What is 10%

By investing in global peace, we increase the property value in our world by 90%. This is a 90% increase on our investment.
Since our world began 6000 years ago, even though it was considered separate from the Heavens or the Universe because of the error, it still maintained 10% of Universal consciousness. Look at what our world has accomplished with as little as 10% of this ability. Now imagine what kind of a world we would like in if we had access to the other 90% of conscious understanding. Yet this is what we are be offered. In order for this to happen, a bridge of conscious understanding must be built through time to reach this goal. If we give 10% of our ability to build this bridge, the other 90% will be provided for us. Even though we only carry 10% of Universal consciousness, this 10% is necessary to complete Universal understanding. Completion of the bridge through time, and the joining of our 10% of conscious understanding with the other 90% will complete the Universal Plan of One Wholeness Now.
Obviously it is us that must elevate consciously to reach the other 90%. It would not make a lot of sense to bring the other 90% down into our world, especially because it is such a mess here. It makes more sense to build a bridge of understanding through time that will allow our world to elevate what we OWN to a higher level of integrity. This will prevent us from losing what we want to keep that has value, while allowing us the ability to look at what has no value and leave it behind.
Of course, all of this happens within consciousness, which gives us an opportunity to choose another way of learning. In our world we learn through the intellect. The intellect is individually assigned through body awareness, which is how we establish our beliefs and are obviously limited to what we perceive with separate body senses. On the other hand, consciousness has the ability to embrace Universally Inspired ideals and expand beyond the limited intellectual concepts that are body assigned. This is whole sensory learning. Something we were born with, but set aside in favor of intellectual study. By constantly using the intellect to keep and protect the body first and above all else, much more has been left out than has been brought in. There is so much more.
Consciousness can be taught dimensionally, while the intellect cannot. The rewards of moving consciously across time to embrace whole Universally Inspired concepts is obvious.
The purpose of The Great Miracle Share is not to introduce individual consciousness or the intellect to wholly inspired Universal understanding. This is something that must be consciously understood through revelation. Revelation is an intensely personal experience that cannot be explain to someone else, or appreciated by another. We are merely here to offer the means to move beyond the intellect into conscious learning by offering a way that appears to be unlikely, and obviously takes conscious faith to accomplish, not intellectual understanding.
The means to build a bridge across time will begin the process of elevating the property value of what we OWN and find value in by 90%, which is not a bad deal. This is a conscious investment, not an intellectual one. Set the intellectual body aside for an instant to consciously hear something else. This is information that is beyond belief, but not beyond you.

Inspired by the Universal Plan of One Wholeness Now
Information provided by The Great Miracle Share
Written by Cherils’Word

Changing our Mind about War

The greatest challenge our world faces, both individually and globally, is changing our mind about what we believe we see. At the time of the separation, our vision shifted due to a shift at the mind level. It was our wish to see something that was not there that makes reference to the world as we perceive it today. In effect, we believe what we see, so we are a product of the fear that we externally behold. The fear is in us. It is not “out there.” Changing our mind about the fearful outcomes we envision in our mind involves involves introducing a higher thought into our mind to replace the fearful memories that we have designed to show us a fearful external fearful world.
We believe we can just change our mind when we want to, but the truth is we do not know how. Core beliefs that define the foundation of our world cannot be dismissed with a petition, a desire, an intention, or a treaty. Personal beliefs that define the 3rd dimensional body cannot be dismissed with an intention or a desire. The mind is the most powerful force in the Universe and it will not give up its treasured beliefs easily, even if what it believes is harmful and destructive to the one who holds them.
Because we would be bound to what was instilled in our mind, at the separation a Universal Plan was devised, which would allow us to see the whole world from another perspective. The whole meaning found in the book A Course in Miracles explains this process. This book is so profound, most people who begin to follow its guidance, continue to struggle with its meaning.
ACIM makes reference to a Universal experience that must occur in our world for whole change to begin. While a Universal theology regarding the purpose and meaning of peace is impossible, a Universal experience of peace is not only possible, it is necessary. The collective mind that governs the dimension we share with the 5th dimension is split about the purpose and meaning of time. Our world has been using time in a very destructive manner for 6000 years. The meaning of time held in collective core beliefs is riddled with guilt. In the 3rd dimensional body, guilt becomes fear. Fear of doing something that makes one guilty encourages the unnatural condition of body fear. As time is defined in our world, right now fear encourages us to see war. Dismissing war from the collective mind with previous methods, as mentioned above, is impossible.
The dimension that we share time with understands the higher property value in time, and they are happy to share this interpretive value with us, but we will not be given access to this understanding of property value without some kind of value investment that we perceive in the aspect of time we use. In other words, we are being asked to give what we deem as valuable to us in time, so we can receive a much higher value reward. These are called miracle rewards. In essence, we are buying property value in time so the collective consciousness in our world can be elevated into a higher frequency. We are willing to invest a lower property value understanding in time, to receive higher property value understanding in time. This higher frequency will allow us to see time from the same perspective as the dimension we share time with, or the 5th dimension.
We are not alone in the Universe, and the solutions we think are good ones, in fact miss the mark. Isn’t the definition of sin missing the mark?
The global solution for peace requires a Universal solution. We cannot change our mind about global war because it is all our world has ever had access to. Changing our mind requires a lifting up of the value held in our mind to a higher value. The Great Miracle Share offers us a way to share the miracle means necessary to change our mind to a higher frequency. How many will it take to see a peaceful possibility emerge to take the place of war? 10% of the global population is necessary to reach critical mass.
We have been given a Plan for global peace that cannot fail. It is up to us individually to accept the Universal Gift being given.

Inspired by the Universal Plan of One Wholeness Now
Information provided by The Great Miracle Share
Written by Cheril’Sword

Core Beliefs

There is essentially nothing wrong with our world, except that our core beliefs are out of alignment with whole Universal integrity. Changing our core beliefs will allow us to see everything from another perspective.
Our core beliefs are held together by free will expressions. All free will expressions carry spiritual property value. We do not see this property value because we have chosen to see something else. This something else is material property value. Thus, our free will is trapped in a core belief that has given material property more value than spiritual property value. Do you think this might cause some internal anxiety at the 3D body level? You bet it will. Property value order must be re-aligned. In other words, free will must be supplied a reference to higher spiritual value over material value to end conflict, both individually and globally.
The Great Miracle Share’s purpose is to give people a way to invest in global peace by shifting the material property value held in free will, for the higher property value defined in peace. The purpose of miracles is to make this shift for us. We cannot do this for ourselves because we do not understand how to manage our free will, or even use it in terms that would offer us the unlimited ability we believe in, but do not understand how to get.
We have been given the opportunity to invest in the miracles that will exchange material property value for spiritual property value. Peace is part of spiritual property value necessary to begin a new global society. What good is a new world without the property value of peace?
By consciously offering a symbol of the material value that free will uses to establish core beliefs, we are offering a way to re-introduce our free will to the spiritual property value defined as peace. It really is this simple, but we obviously do not believe this. We do not believe that the spiritual realm wants our money, which it does not. What it does want is access to our innocent free will, which is trapped inside of our belief in material value. This will not change our perception of material value, for it will continue to be used as long as it is supported by people. What it will do is allow us to see the effects of making a conscious choice to invest in spiritual property value. In this case, it is global peace.
This cannot happen is we do not consciously use the action of faith in miracles, which is being required for this shift to occur. Miracles have the ability to return our free will to where it belongs, which is the state of peace. Once critical mass has been reached, or 800,000,000 use their free will to invest in the spiritual property value defined as peace, we will have peace on Earth.
If you want to purchase physical property value, you must invest in it. This is equally true with spiritual value. The difference is, our free will that believes in material value, will be returned to the property value defined as the spiritual Home through the faith we have set within our material investment.
As free will returns Home, the Light from our free will fills our world and our Earth with spiritual Light. This is God’s Plan for the salvation of the world, and the only one that will work.

Inspired by the Universal Plan of One Wholeness Now
Information provided by The Great Miracle Share
Written by Cheri’Sword